Livigent announces innovative way to increase employee productivity during crisis

Monitoring Internet activity increases employee productivity efficiency during the economical crisis

Bucharest, January 28th 2009 – Livigent, the intelligent web control solution from RnD Software, announces an innovative way to obtain cutting edge results during crisis by increasing employee productivity. Using an Internet content filtering solution, companies ensure employees concentrate on their tasks and provide added value to the organization’s activity.

Confronted with the economical crisis, Romanian companies cut back costs in nonperforming or non-crucial areas, and maintain or increase investment in product innovation and development. Romanian authorities estimate a number of over 100,000 employees that will lose their jobs by the end of 2009, as result of the economical crisis.

The main criterion taken into account by organizations when deciding on restructuring actions is productivity: employees’ capacity to produce added value will provide the most important competitive advantage for companies in 2009. Since productivity decreases when the employees are engaged in non-working activities on the Internet, one of the best ways to increase productivity during crisis is to use Internet content filtering solutions, thus making sure employees focus on their tasks and on producing the best possible business results for the company.

Livigent provides a wide range of benefits for corporate users, guaranteeing employees will only have access to work-related websites. Due to its advanced logging and reporting features, Livigent logs all Internet-related activity within a company, in order to provide the administrative staff all the required information they need on employee Internet usage at work.

Livigent constantly monitors Internet networks and produces personalized reports for each individual user. This way, companies’ management is aware at all times of the amount of time spent by each employee surfing the Internet, or what websites that employee visits and when.

Logging of statistical data on users’ activity and detailed reporting of this data is an extremely valuable tool in the evaluation process of an employee. Based on the monitoring reports provided by Livigent, managers can make informed decisions on how to efficiently distribute personnel for each department, or how to better define the restructuring process of the company, by stimulating the most competitive employees. Also, comprehensive performance reports are issued for each employee, thus providing the HR department with some of the necessary instruments for personnel evaluation.

As the Livigent content filter offers an extended set of configuration options, company managers can adapt it, taking into account employee performance criteria and organizational policies, and they can control online user behaviour and interactions, network resources management or legal constraints.

In terms of business, all these benefits translate into:

  • cost-cutting due to employees focusing more on accomplishing their tasks successfully
  • increased control over company resources
  • the possibility to design future strategies based on realistic data provided by Livigent through monitoring reports

Livigent is different from other similar solutions because it:

  • filters content in real-time
  • alters images
  • offers multiple layers of filtering
  • and provides multilingual support.

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